PADAANAN: The UCC Academic Forum, which is an annual lecture series in celebration of the founding anniversary of Union Christian, is slated on November 16 at 1:30 in the afternoon with the guest lecturer, a renowned academician and curriculum specialist, Dr. Greg TabiosPawilen. Dr. Pawilen is currently the Director of the Office of Institutional Development for Higher Education of the University of the Philippines-Los Banos. Dr. Greg is to talk about the academic implicatures of the theme Heralding the Full Life: Our Educational Agenda.
The UCC Academic Forum is open to all on the following mode of attendance:
Onsite Attendance: UCC Personnel and Invited Guests
Online Attendance: All interested attendees from the academic community. This is to be livestreamed to the UCC Facebook page for easier access.
Umaykayo! Intayo! Agdadanggaytayo a mangitag-ay iti Kolehiyotayo. Long live the UCC Spirit!