Union Christian College, through its social action and wider missions, reached out to community members in the Province of La Union particularly in Luna, Caarusipan in San Juan, San Gabriel, Sta. Monica in Bauang adversely affected by Typhoon Maring.The distribution of the relief packs was done on October 16 with the UCC Social Action Team headed by Dr. Manelyn I. Cacho with the following members: Omega S. Camacho from the Business and Finance Office, Rhea Joy V. Laconsay from the President’s Office, Leonor Dagang and Remberto Tarlit from the General Services Office, Myrna A. Munar from the School of Business Sciences, and Junieto Dulay and Brenda Mariano and daughter Ma Cristina from the Basic Education Schools. Rev. Dr. Ferdinand A. Anno, the College President and the overall chair of the UCC Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Committee immediately approved the allocation of funds for the social actions upon the recommendation of Dr. Cacho, Director of the Center for Research Development, Extension, Productivity, and Service-learning on October 13. Along side with the approval of fund allocation to the said initiative from the College DRRM Fund is the approval of opening the social initiative to accept donations from students, alumni and UCC friends and supporters. The action became productive that the generated funds were able to procure relief packs for the said identified communities.Meanwhile, the team also coordinated with the Head of the Municipal Disaster Risk Reduction Management Council of Bangar, La Union for the continuing College initiatives to reach for the typhoon victims.As of this writing, CRDEPS is still consolidating reports on the benefactors of the ongoing social initiatives.@ (Teofilo B. Damoco, Research Coordinator [CRDEPS Communications])